Technical Support

How to install your Lockrack and load your craft

How to install Lockrack

For details about the installation of Lockrack please check out this video and/ or consult our Installation Guide. You also find a French Installation Guide and a German Installation Guide.

Please consult the Extendable Installation Guide for detailed information on the installation of the new Extendable/Universal Lockrack Set. Find here the French Extendable Installation Guide and the German Extendable Installation Guide.

You can find more videos on installing your Lockrack on our Youtube Channel.

How to load your craft

Find information about how loading and unloading your craft in this video. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further questions.

Using the Lock System Key

The keys are made from a tough plastic but if inserted incorrectly will wear the mold pretty quickly so making your key non-use-able. Consult this video for more information.